
Registration commences


Welcome reception

Let’s enjoy a beautiful Paris evening out in the garden of Reid Hall (weather permitting)

The department of health policy & management of Columbia University New York will invite us for drinks and the consulting network ENJOY STRATEGY will sponsor the flying buffet.




9.00am – 9.30am

Welcome and introductions

Katharina Janus, Professor of Healthcare Management and Director of the Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA; President of ENJOY STRATEGY, Hamburg, Germany

9.30am – 10.00am

Welcome to Paris

Cédric Arcos, General Director, Ile-de-France Region, Paris, France

10.00am – 11.00am

Keynote Panel: What’s happening in France?

Moderated by Katharina Janus

Distinguished speakers:

  • Antoine Malone, Director, French Hospital Federation, Paris, France
  • Etienne Minvielle, Professor of Management and Director of Management in Organizations, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP), Paris, France
  • Carlos Jaime, Country General Manager Intersystems and President of Digital Health Commission Medicine, Paris, France
  • Natasha Lemaire, Rapporteure Générale, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, Paris, France

11.00am – 11.30am

Café en terrasse

11.30am – 1.30pm

Keynote panel and moderated roundtable workshop: The impact of policy reforms/ health system changes on behavioral aspects and resulting macroeconomic indicators such as mortality, medical inflation and beyond

Keynote panel (11.30am – 12.00pm)

Distinguished speakers:

  • Jiong Du, Chief Pricing Actuary, Asia-Pacific at SCOR, Hong Kong
  • Razvan Ionescu, Head of Longevity R&D Center SCOR Global Life Insurance, Paris France
  • Daria Ossipova-Kachakhidze, Head of Health and Longevity R&D SCOR Global Life Insurance, Paris, France
  • Raj Kumar, GP & Medical Director, Integral healthcare group, and Clinical Director & Responsable Officer, NHS Digital, United Kingdom
  • David Roye, Professor and Executive MD, New-York-Presbyterain Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Columbia Cerebral Palsy Center, New York, USA

Roundtable discussion (12.00pm – 1.30pm)

  • Analysis: How are systems working and how do they arrive at decision-making?
    1. Shed light on political structures in order to better understand regulatory changes, in particular in the US, UK, and China
    2. Map decision-makers and their power relationships
  • Facts/cases: Discuss specific examples (The Netherlands, South Korea) and how similar developments could be forecasted in the future in the systems described and beyond
    1. What kind of variables/ indicators are relevant?
    2. How can they be organized as a framework for action?
  • Application: Extend the discussion to talk about “creative systems”: how to work hand in hand with policy makers
    1. How are interactions between industry and policy functioning?
    2. How could a dialogue facilitate and stabilize the relationship?
  • What trends/changes are on the horizon and in what way are risks affected?

1.30pm – 2.30pm


2.30pm – 3.00pm

Roundtables reporting back


Keynote panel: Hand hygiene – are we there yet?

  • What drives hand hygiene behavior?
  • Will professional cultures or politics rule?
  • What is the impact on compliance, patient care, and outcomes?
  • What is the resistance for investing in hand hygiene technology?
Distinguished speakers:
  • Pascal Astagneau, Centre for prevention of healthcare-associated infections, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris & Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
  • Véronique Merle, Professor at CHU-Hôpitaux of Rouen, Inserm U1086 ANTICIPE, France
  • Chris Wakefield, V.P. European Marketing & Product Development, GOJO Industries, United Kingdom

4.00pm – 4.30pm

Café en terrasse

4.30pm – 6.00pm

Keynote Panel: 50 years of care management and clinical integration

  • The case of Kaiser Permanente: Why are we not better than we already are?
  • Is the increase in management workforce doing us any good?
  • Clinical pathways as the essential management tool to increase interdisciplinary efficiency and process quality
  • Have we made any progress in different healthcare systems/countries?

Distinguished speakers:

  • Walter Kopp, President of Medical Management Services, USA
  • Ray Marsella, Vice President, Strategic Relations, Medimpact, San Diego, USA
  • Christian Molt, Management Board Member, ERGO Insurance, Düsseldorf, Germany
  • Axel Paeger, CEO AMEOS, Zurich, Switzerland
  • Chris Stenzel, VP business development and innovation at Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, USA
9.00am – 11.00am

Keynote panel and moderated roundtable workshop: Employee engagement strategies as digital health and artificial intelligence become an integral part of business

Keynote panel (9.00am – 9.30am)

  • Daniel Bahr, Management Board Member ALLIANZ private health insurance, Munich, Germany
  • Paula Morgan, Founder Morgan Consulting Resources Inc., San Francisco, USA
  • Chris Stenzel, VP business development and innovation at Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, USA

Roundtable discussion (9.30am – 11.00am)

  • Analysis: How are organizations experiencing challenges to engage their workforce when implementing health information technology, artificial intelligence applications and the like?
    1. Shed light on various stakeholder perspectives
    2. Evaluate country-specific differences
  • Facts/cases: Discuss specific examples and how strategies could be developed to address employee reaction to change caused by information technology
    1. How to reduce fear
    2. How to leverage interest and enthusiasm
    3. How to facilitate engagement of the entire workforce
  • Application: Extend the discussion to talk about operational steps – how to work hand in hand with champions
  • What trends/changes are on the horizon and in what way will employee engagement be affected?

11.00am – 11.30am

Café en terrasse

11.30am – 12.00pm

Roundtables reporting back

12.00pm – 1.00pm

Keynote Panel: International panel on cultural trends in business decision-making and their impact on effective demand

  • How can a company benefit from existing product knowledge while taking cultural differences into account?
  • Opportunities assessment and evaluation – “find a hole and fill it”
  • Are country-specific approaches scalable? How to create modular evidence for tailormade targeting in different countries
  • How to walk the fine line between customized and standardized business solutions?

Distinguished speakers:

  • Mark Lloyd Davies, Senior Director, Government Affairs & Policy, Medical Devices EMEA and Johnson & Johnson Western Markets Lead, Brussels, Belgium
  • Peter Homberg, Partner at Dentons Europe LLP, Frankfurt, Germany
  • Walter Kopp, President of Medical Management Services, USA

1.00pm – 2.00pm


2.00pm – 3.30pm

Keynote panel: Profiles of healthcare systems in different countries and how to work with (and for) them

Moderated by Katharina Janus

  • Analysis of incentives and risks for providers
  • Advanced analytics – what it means for practice
  • Why social determinants are not a hot issue in Europe
  • Beyond country borders: what are new system categories and characteristics?
  • Care design in the 21st century – how organizations drive change and systems are crossing borders

Distinguished speakers:

  • Cédric Arcos, General Director, Ile-de-France Region, Paris, France
  • Elisabeth Chaillet-Leforestier, Hospital director and associate professor at SciencesPo, Paris, France
  • Stephen Parodi, Associate Executive Director, The Permanente Medical Group, Executive Vice President, The Permanente Federation, Oakland, USA
  • Marcus Thygeson, Chief Medical Officer, Adaptive Health, Los Angeles, USA

3.30pm – 4.30pm

Wrap-up and closing

Katharina Janus, Professor of Healthcare Management and Director of the Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA; President of ENJOY STRATEGY, Hamburg, Germany

