Registration commences
Welcome reception
Let’s enjoy a beautiful Paris evening out in the garden of Reid Hall (weather permitting)
The department of health policy & management of Columbia University New York will invite us for drinks and the consulting network ENJOY STRATEGY will sponsor the flying buffet.
9.00am – 9.30am
Welcome and introductions
Katharina Janus, Professor of Healthcare Management and Director of the Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA; President of ENJOY STRATEGY, Hamburg, Germany
9.30am – 10.00am
Welcome to Paris
Cédric Arcos, General Director, Ile-de-France Region, Paris, France
10.00am – 11.00am
Keynote Panel: What’s happening in France?
Moderated by Katharina Janus
Distinguished speakers:
- Antoine Malone, Director, French Hospital Federation, Paris, France
- Etienne Minvielle, Professor of Management and Director of Management in Organizations, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique (EHESP), Paris, France
- Carlos Jaime, Country General Manager Intersystems and President of Digital Health Commission Medicine, Paris, France
- Natasha Lemaire, Rapporteure Générale, Ministry of Solidarity and Health, Paris, France
11.00am – 11.30am
Café en terrasse
11.30am – 1.30pm
Keynote panel and moderated roundtable workshop: The impact of policy reforms/ health system changes on behavioral aspects and resulting macroeconomic indicators such as mortality, medical inflation and beyond
Keynote panel (11.30am – 12.00pm)
Distinguished speakers:
- Jiong Du, Chief Pricing Actuary, Asia-Pacific at SCOR, Hong Kong
- Razvan Ionescu, Head of Longevity R&D Center SCOR Global Life Insurance, Paris France
- Daria Ossipova-Kachakhidze, Head of Health and Longevity R&D SCOR Global Life Insurance, Paris, France
- Raj Kumar, GP & Medical Director, Integral healthcare group, and Clinical Director & Responsable Officer, NHS Digital, United Kingdom
- David Roye, Professor and Executive MD, New-York-Presbyterain Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Columbia Cerebral Palsy Center, New York, USA
Roundtable discussion (12.00pm – 1.30pm)
- Analysis: How are systems working and how do they arrive at decision-making?
- Shed light on political structures in order to better understand regulatory changes, in particular in the US, UK, and China
- Map decision-makers and their power relationships
- Facts/cases: Discuss specific examples (The Netherlands, South Korea) and how similar developments could be forecasted in the future in the systems described and beyond
- What kind of variables/ indicators are relevant?
- How can they be organized as a framework for action?
- Application: Extend the discussion to talk about “creative systems”: how to work hand in hand with policy makers
- How are interactions between industry and policy functioning?
- How could a dialogue facilitate and stabilize the relationship?
- What trends/changes are on the horizon and in what way are risks affected?
1.30pm – 2.30pm
2.30pm – 3.00pm
Roundtables reporting back
Keynote panel: Hand hygiene – are we there yet?
- What drives hand hygiene behavior?
- Will professional cultures or politics rule?
- What is the impact on compliance, patient care, and outcomes?
- What is the resistance for investing in hand hygiene technology?
- Pascal Astagneau, Centre for prevention of healthcare-associated infections, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris & Faculty of Medicine, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
- Véronique Merle, Professor at CHU-Hôpitaux of Rouen, Inserm U1086 ANTICIPE, France
- Chris Wakefield, V.P. European Marketing & Product Development, GOJO Industries, United Kingdom
4.00pm – 4.30pm
Café en terrasse
4.30pm – 6.00pm
Keynote Panel: 50 years of care management and clinical integration
- The case of Kaiser Permanente: Why are we not better than we already are?
- Is the increase in management workforce doing us any good?
- Clinical pathways as the essential management tool to increase interdisciplinary efficiency and process quality
- Have we made any progress in different healthcare systems/countries?
Distinguished speakers:
- Walter Kopp, President of Medical Management Services, USA
- Ray Marsella, Vice President, Strategic Relations, Medimpact, San Diego, USA
- Christian Molt, Management Board Member, ERGO Insurance, Düsseldorf, Germany
- Axel Paeger, CEO AMEOS, Zurich, Switzerland
- Chris Stenzel, VP business development and innovation at Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, USA
9.00am – 11.00am
Keynote panel and moderated roundtable workshop: Employee engagement strategies as digital health and artificial intelligence become an integral part of business
Keynote panel (9.00am – 9.30am)
- Daniel Bahr, Management Board Member ALLIANZ private health insurance, Munich, Germany
- Paula Morgan, Founder Morgan Consulting Resources Inc., San Francisco, USA
- Chris Stenzel, VP business development and innovation at Kaiser Permanente, San Francisco, USA
Roundtable discussion (9.30am – 11.00am)
- Analysis: How are organizations experiencing challenges to engage their workforce when implementing health information technology, artificial intelligence applications and the like?
- Shed light on various stakeholder perspectives
- Evaluate country-specific differences
- Facts/cases: Discuss specific examples and how strategies could be developed to address employee reaction to change caused by information technology
- How to reduce fear
- How to leverage interest and enthusiasm
- How to facilitate engagement of the entire workforce
- Application: Extend the discussion to talk about operational steps – how to work hand in hand with champions
- What trends/changes are on the horizon and in what way will employee engagement be affected?
11.00am – 11.30am
Café en terrasse
11.30am – 12.00pm
Roundtables reporting back
12.00pm – 1.00pm
Keynote Panel: International panel on cultural trends in business decision-making and their impact on effective demand
- How can a company benefit from existing product knowledge while taking cultural differences into account?
- Opportunities assessment and evaluation – “find a hole and fill it”
- Are country-specific approaches scalable? How to create modular evidence for tailormade targeting in different countries
- How to walk the fine line between customized and standardized business solutions?
Distinguished speakers:
- Mark Lloyd Davies, Senior Director, Government Affairs & Policy, Medical Devices EMEA and Johnson & Johnson Western Markets Lead, Brussels, Belgium
- Peter Homberg, Partner at Dentons Europe LLP, Frankfurt, Germany
- Walter Kopp, President of Medical Management Services, USA
1.00pm – 2.00pm
2.00pm – 3.30pm
Keynote panel: Profiles of healthcare systems in different countries and how to work with (and for) them
Moderated by Katharina Janus
- Analysis of incentives and risks for providers
- Advanced analytics – what it means for practice
- Why social determinants are not a hot issue in Europe
- Beyond country borders: what are new system categories and characteristics?
- Care design in the 21st century – how organizations drive change and systems are crossing borders
Distinguished speakers:
- Cédric Arcos, General Director, Ile-de-France Region, Paris, France
- Elisabeth Chaillet-Leforestier, Hospital director and associate professor at SciencesPo, Paris, France
- Stephen Parodi, Associate Executive Director, The Permanente Medical Group, Executive Vice President, The Permanente Federation, Oakland, USA
- Marcus Thygeson, Chief Medical Officer, Adaptive Health, Los Angeles, USA
3.30pm – 4.30pm
Wrap-up and closing
Katharina Janus, Professor of Healthcare Management and Director of the Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA; President of ENJOY STRATEGY, Hamburg, Germany