
Registration commences

9am – 12noon

Pre-conference session

Panel on “The emergence of retail strategies in healthcare”

Moderated by Katharina Janus, Professor of Healthcare Management and Director of the Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA; President of ENJOY STRATEGY, Hamburg, Germany

Service “on-demand” is the mantra in many industries, but just recently gaining relevance in healthcare. Panelists will explore the following issues that will then be discussed in roundtable breakout sessions:

  • What is the future purpose of primary care? From the gatekeeper to the coordinator of self-care and specialized care.
  • How will disruptive technologies and strategies determine diagnostics in the future?
  • Does providing value added services to the patient replace the sacred relationship between physician and patient?
  • Can the old guard compete or collaborate to stay on top of the shifting sands of the industry?

Panelists include:

  • Nedal Shami (Chief Strategy Office at CityMD, New York, USA)
  • Brent Stackhouse (Vice President, Mount Sinai Health System, New York, USA)

12noon – 1pm

Flying lunch snack & stage warm-up – please take your seats

1pm – 1.30pm

Brief welcome & introductions

  • Katharina Janus – Chair and Host (Professor and Director, Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA)
  • Bernadette Klapper – Host (Head of Health, Robert Bosch Stiftung, Stuttgart/Berlin, Germany)
  • Alan Weil – Co-Chair (Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, Washington D.C., USA)

Acknowledging our sponsors: the Robert-Bosch-Foundation, Fresenius Medical Care North America, ZimmerBiomet, Dentons US LLP, New York Presbyterian Global Services, Mount Sinai Health Network, and Johnson & Johnson Global Health Policy.

1.30pm – 2.30pm

Café en terasse


Keynote panel “If we know what’s wrong why are we not doing the right things?”

Moderated by Alan Weil (Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, Washington D.C., USA)

Science knows it best, but practice gets it done. Let’s talk about a pragmatic approach to innovation from various perspectives to better understand generic phenomena, such as:

  • Learning organizations: how can organizations be and remain dynamic?
  • Organizational intelligence: how do organizations comprehend and conclude knowledge relevant to their business purpose?
  • From managed care to damaged care – a failure of organizational intelligence or learning or, in other words: do we face a resource or a management challenge?
  • Why many have tried and failed in healthcare? Is a new managed care on the horizon?

Panelists include:

  • Liz Fowler (Vice President, Global Health Policy, Johnson & Johnson Worldwide Government Affairs & Policy, Washington D.C., USA)
  • Bruce Fried (Managing Partner, Dentons US LLP and former head of the Health Care Financing Administration, Washington D.C., USA)
  • Cora Koppe-Stahrenberg (EVP – Global Head of Human Resources at Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA, Frankfurt, Germany)
  • Katarzyna Mazur-Hofsaess (President of Europe, Middle East and Africa Operations (EMEA), Zimmer Biomet EMEA, Winterthur, Switzerland)

2.30pm – 3pm

Keynote “Roadblocks to change”

Sherry Glied (Professor and Dean, Wagner School of Public Services, New York University, USA; former Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation at the Department of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C., USA)

3pm – 3.30pm

Snack & Stretch break

3.30pm – 5.30pm

5 parallel roundtable discussions

Our internationally renowned experts from academia and practice will join you in Care-Tank roundtable discussions on one of five tables that deal with the following topics:

  • Risk management (population health management from various perspectives) – moderated by Michael Sparer (Professor and Chair, Health Policy and Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)
  • People and processes (process reorganization in various settings, people “matters” in change) – moderated by David Roye (Professor and Executive MD, New-York-Presbyterain Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Columbia Cerebral Palsy Center, New York, USA) and Philipp Drees (Professor and Head of the Department of orthopedic and rheumatoid surgery, University of Mainz, Germany)
  • Matching data and resources (technology innovation and consumer influence, the digital challenge – merging big and small data, “make or buy” a data analytics shop) – moderated by Peter Posch (Professor of Finance, Technical University of Dortmund, Germany)
  • Branding & positioning in the healthcare market (Investment, financing, and returns; how to earn and rebuild loyalty and trust; what do we need to know in different countries – moderated by Thomas Rundall (Professor Emeritus, University of California Berkeley, CA, USA)
  • Cross-national considerations – which lessons can be exported and imported? Which ones can’t? – moderated by Larry Brown (Professor of Health Policy & Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)

5.30pm – 6pm

What made your day – things to remember… and to surrender

Katharina Janus (Professor and Director, Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA) and Alan Weil (Editor-in-Chief, Health Affairs, Washington D.C., USA)

7pm – 10pm

Rooftop reception featuring Currywurst (the famous Berlin Curry Sausage) & keynote on “From the silver surfer to the silver tsunami – how can we learn and live with an aging population”

John Rowe (Professor of Health Policy & Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)

Drinks are sponsored by the Department of Health Policy & Management, Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, New York, USA

9am – 9.30am

Keynote on “Volume to Value:  Orchestrating provider payment models and care plans”

Ronald Kuerbitz (CEO, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Waltham, USA)

9.30am – 10.30am

Keynote panel on “Value chain mapping & management – moving from products to solutions”

Moderated by Katharina Janus (Professor and Director, Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA)

We know what the problem is. Let’s develop a multilayered approach to spread in various settings. Topics include:

  • Why “value added” does not necessarily imply adding services: how to redefine roles and to determine who does what along the value chain
  • Products & services revisited – does consulting make products more attractive, usable, and profitable?
  • How to understand value and related benefits from different perspectives
  • How to communicate value & new roles? Is there a budget for this?
  • How to initiate and facilitate collaboration among providers and become a preferred partner
  • How to move from “products to solutions”

Panelists include:

  • Ronald Kuerbitz (CEO, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Waltham, USA)
  • Oriol Lacorte (Vice President Commercial Operations EMEA at Zimmer Biomet)
  • Peter Homberg (Managing Partner, Dentons, Frankfurt, Germany)
  • John W. Rowe (Professor of Health Policy & Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)
  • Axel Paeger (CEO Ameos, Zurich, Switzerland)

10.30am – 11am

Snack & Stretch break

11am – 1pm

5 parallel roundtable discussions

Our internationally renowned experts from academia and practice will join you in Care-Tank roundtable discussions on one of five tables that deal with the following topics:

  • Cultures and resulting behavior (cross-national perspectives, international trends and developments, interaction and roles in a third-party payment system) – Larry Brown (Professor of Health Policy & Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)
  • Attractiveness of innovations (transparency, sustainability, adaptability of products that had previously nothing to do with healthcare) – Thomas Rundall (Professor Emeritus, University of California Berkeley, CA, USA)
  • “Tit-for-tat” and reciprocity (sharing and learning from people; managing knowledge workers; relationship building (moving from B2B to B2C2B) – Federico Lega (Professor and Director, Public Policy and Management, SDA Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)
  • Regulation and policy (federal initiatives, “effective” lobbying; privacy and its impact on global healthcare market initiatives) – Bruce Fried(Managing Partner, Dentons US LLP and former head of the Health Care Financing Administration, Washington D.C., USA), Peter Homberg (Managing Partner, Dentons, Frankfurt, Germany) and Michael Sparer (Professor and Chair, Health Policy and Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)
  • Advances in medical technology and their impact on scope and scale – moderated by David Roye (Professor and Executive MD, New-York-Presbyterain Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Columbia Cerebral Palsy Center, New York, USA)

1pm – 2pm

Networking luncheon

2pm – 3.00pm

Keynote Panel on “Is the Kaiser model of fully integrated systems outdated in a wired world?”

Moderated by Katharina Janus (Professor and Director, Center for Healthcare Management, Germany, and Columbia University, New York, USA)

With the purpose of creating a coordinated system of evolved pieces in the 21st century topics will deal with:

  • What is the range of skills necessary to manage a particular disease?
  • Who are the players involved?
  • Who takes on what kind of role?
  • What kind of management ingredients do we need?

Panelists include:

  • Sherry Glied (Professor and Dean, Wagner School of Public Services, New York University, USA)
  • Arthur Klein (President, Mount Sinai Health Network, New York, USA)
  • Frank Maddux (Chief Medical Officer, Fresenius Medical North America, Waltham, USA)
  • Michael Sparer (Professor and Chair, Health Policy and Management, MSPH, Columbia University, New York, USA)


Quick coffee & chat


Lessons learned from two days of inspiration – on-the-spot interviews with global thought leaders

Katharina Janus and Alan Weil

Together with all table hosts & moderators

4.30pm – 5pm

Farewell and goodbye